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Tik M, Woletz M, Schuler AL, Vasileiadi M, Cash R, Zalesky A, Lamm C, Windischberger C. Acute TMS/fMRI response explains offline TMS network effects – An interleaved TMS-fMRI study. NeuroImage 2023.

Vasileiadi M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Grosshagauer S, Tik M, Windischberger C. Improved brain stimulation targeting by optimising image acquisition parameters. NeuroImage 2023.

Vasileiadi M, Schuler AL, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C, Tik M. Functional connectivity explains how neuronavigated TMS of posterior temporal subregions differentially affect language processing. Brain Stimulation 2023.

Bürger Z, Müller VI, Hoffstaedter F, Habel U, Gur RC, Windischberger C, Moser E, Derntl B, Kogler L. Stressor-Specific Sex Differences in Amygdala-Frontal Cortex Networks. J Clin Med. 2023.

Guran CA, Sladky R, Karl S, Boch M, Laistler E, Windischberger C, Huber L, Lamm C. Validation of a New Coil Array Tailored for Dog Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies. eNeuro. 2023.

Pawloff M, Linhardt D, Woletz M, Hummer A, Sacu S, Vasileiadi M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Holder G, Schmidt-Erfurth UM, Windischberger C, Ritter M. Comparison of Stimulus Types for Retinotopic Cortical Mapping of Macular Disease. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2023.


Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Woletz M, Hummer A, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Intrasession and Intersession Reproducibility of Artificial Scotoma pRF Mapping Results at Ultra-High Fields. eNeuro. 2022.

Mizutani-Tiebel Y, Tik M, Chang KY, Padberg F, Soldini A, Wilkinson Z, Voon CC, Bulubas L, Windischberger C, Keeser D. Concurrent TMS-fMRI: Technical Challenges, Developments, and Overview of Previous Studies. Front Psychiatry. 2022.


Sladky R, Hahn A, Karl IL, Geissberger N, Kranz GS, Tik M, Kraus C, Pfabigan DM, Gartus A, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C, Windischberger C. Dynamic Causal Modeling of the Prefrontal/Amygdala Network During Processing of Emotional Faces. Brain Connect. 2021.

Woletz M, Roat S, Hummer A, Tik M, Windischberger C . Technical Note: Human tissue-equivalent MRI phantom preparation for 3 and 7 Tesla. Med. Phys., 48: 4387-4394. 2021.

Paul K & Tik M, Hahn A, Sladky R, Geissberger N, Wirth EM, Kranz GS, Pfabigan DM, Kraus C, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C, Windischberger C. Give me a pain that I am used to: distinct habituation patterns to painful and non-painful stimulation. Sci Rep. 11(1):22929. 2021.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Hummer A, Woletz M, Tik M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Combining stimulus types for improved coverage in population receptive field mapping. NeuroImage. 2021.

Berboth S, Windischberger C, Kohn N, Morawetz C. Test-retest reliability of emotion regulation networks using fMRI at ultra-high magnetic field. Neuroimage 232:117917, 2021.

Rütgen M, Pfabigan DM, Tik M, Kraus C, Pletti C, Sladky R, Klöbl M, Woletz M, Vanicek T, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C. Detached empathic experience of others' pain in remitted states of depression - An fMRI study. Neuroimage Clin. 31:102699, 2021.

Rütgen M, Wirth EM, Riečanský I, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Petrovic P, Silani G, Lamm C. Beyond Sharing Unpleasant Affect-Evidence for Pain-Specific Opioidergic Modulation of Empathy for Pain. Cereb Cortex. 2021.


Geissberger N & Tik M, Sladky R, Woletz M, Schule AL, Willinger D, Windischberger C. Reproducibility of amygdala activation in facial emotion processing at 7T. Neuroimage. 2020 Jan 26:116585. 2020.

Baldinger-Melich P, Urquijo Castro MF, Seiger R, Ruef A, Dwyer DB, Kranz GS, Klöbl M, Kambeitz J, Kaufmann U, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Falkai P, Lanzenberger R, Koutsouleris N.. Sex Matters: A Multivariate Pattern Analysis of Sex- and Gender-Related Neuroanatomical Differences in Cis- and Transgender Individuals Using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cereb Cortex. 2020.

Bukowski H, Tik M, Silani G, Ruff CC, Windischberger C, Lamm C. When differences matter: rTMS/fMRI reveals how differences in dispositional empathy translate to distinct neural underpinnings of self-other distinction in empathy. Cortex. 2020.

Wagner IC, Rütgen M, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Lamm C. Placebo-induced pain reduction is associated with negative coupling between brain networks at rest.. Neuroimage. 2020.


Woletz M, Hoffmann A, Tik M, Sladky R, Lanzenberger R, Robinson S, Windischberger C. Beware detrending: Optimal preprocessing pipeline for low-frequency fluctuation analysis. Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 Apr 1;40(5):1571-1582. 2019.

Schuler A, Tik M, Sladky R, Luft CDB, Hoffmann A, Woletz M, Zioga I, Bhattacharya J, Windischberger C. Modulations in resting state networks of subcortical structures linked to creativity. Neuroimage. 2019 Mar 29;195:311-319. 2019.

Kraus C, Seiger R, Pfabigan D, Sladky R, Tik M, Paul K, Woletz M, Gryglewski G, Vanicek T, Komorowski A, Kasper S, Lamm C, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R. Hippocampal Subfields in Acute and Remitted Depression - an Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2019 Jun 6. pii: pyz030. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyz030. 2019.

Rütgen M, Pletti C, Tik M, Kraus C, Pfabigan DM, Sladky R, Klöbl M, Woletz M, Vanicek T, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C. Antidepressant treatment, not depression, leads to reductions in behavioral and neural responses to pain empathy. Transl Psychiatry. 2019 Jun 7;9(1):164. doi: 10.1038/s41398-019-0496-4. 2019.

Spies M, Klöbl M, Höflich A, Hummer A, Vanicek T, Michenthaler P, Kranz GS, Hahn A, Winkler D, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R.. Association between dynamic resting-state functional connectivity and ketamine plasma levels in visual processing networks. Sci Rep. 2019.


Tik M, Sladky R, Luft CDB, Willinger D, Hoffmann A, Banissy MJ, Bhattacharya J, Windischberger C. Ultra-high-field fMRI insights on insight: Neural correlates of the Aha!-moment. Human Brain Mapping 2018 Apr 17. 2018.

Hummer A, Ritter M, Woletz M, Ledolter AA, Tik M, Dumoulin SO, Holder GE, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Artificial scotoma estimation based on population receptive field mapping.. Neuroimage. 2018 Apr 1;169:342-351. 2018.

Frass-Kriegl R, Navarro de Lara LI, Pichler M, Sieg J, Moser E, Windischberger C, Laistler E.. Flexible 23-channel coil array for high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging at 3 Tesla. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 1;13(11):e0206963. 2018.

Kranz GS, Hahn A, Kraus C, Spies M, Pichler V, Jungwirth J, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Probing the association between serotonin-1A autoreceptor binding and amygdala reactivity in healthy volunteers.. Neuroimage. 2018 May 1;171:1-5. 2018.

Kranz GS, Hahn A, Kaufmann U, Tik M, Ganger S, Seiger R, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Effects of testosterone treatment on hypothalamic neuroplasticity in female-to-male transgender individuals.. Brain Struct Funct. 2018 Jan;223(1):321-328. 2018.

Kraus C, Klöbl M, Tik M, Auer B, Vanicek T, Geissberger N, Pfabigan DM, Hahn A, Woletz M, Paul K, Komorowski A, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R. The pulvinar nucleus and antidepressant treatment: dynamic modeling of antidepressant response and remission with ultra-high field functional MRI. Mol Psychiatry. 2018 Feb 8. 2018.

Ritter M, Hummer A, Ledolter AA, Holder GE, Windischberger C, Schmidt-Erfurth UM. Correspondence between retinotopic cortical mapping and conventional functional and morphological assessment of retinal disease.. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Apr 26. 2018.


Sladky R, Geissberger N, Pfabigan DM, Kraus C, Tik M, Woletz M, Paul K, Vanicek T, Auer B, Kranz GS, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C. Unsmoothed functional MRI of the human amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during processing of emotional faces. Neuroimage Jan 17, 2017.

Tik M, Hoffmann A, Sladky R, Tomova L, Hummer A, Navarro de Lara L, Bukowski H, Pripfl J, Biswal B, Lamm C, Windischberger C. Towards understanding rTMS mechanism of action: Stimulation of the DLPFC causes network-specific increase in functional connectivity. Neuroimage. 2017 Nov 15;162:289-296. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.09.022, 2017.

Höflich A, Ganger S, Tik M, Hahn A, Kranz GS, Vanicek T, Spies M, Kraus C, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R. Imaging the neuroplastic effects of ketamine with VBM and the necessity of placebo control. Neuroimage Feb 15;147:198-203, 2017.

Kogler L, Seidel EM, Metzler H, Thaler H, Boubela RN, Pruessner JC, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Windischberger C, Moser E, Habel U, Derntl B. Impact of self-esteem and sex on stress reactions.. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 8;7(1):17210. 2017.

Kranz GS, Seiger R, Kaufmann U, Hummer A, Hahn A, Ganger S, Tik M, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Effects of sex hormone treatment on white matter microstructure in individuals with gender dysphoria. Neuroimage Feb 13;150:60-67, 2017.

Minkova L, Sladky R, Kranz GS, Woletz M, Geissberger N, Kraus C, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C. Task-dependent modulation of amygdala connectivity in social anxiety disorder. Psychiatry Res. Apr 30;262:39-46, 2017.

Navarro de Lara L & Tik M, Woletz M, Frass-Kriegl R, Moser E, Laistler E, Windischberger C.. High-sensitivity TMS/fMRI of the Human Motor Cortex Using a Dedicated Multichannel MR Coil. NeuroImage. 150:262-9. 2017.

Spies M, Kraus C, Geissberger N, Auer B, Klöbl M, Tik M, Stürkat IL, Hahn A, Woletz M, Pfabigan DM, Kasper S, Lamm C, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R. Default mode network deactivation during emotion processing predicts early antidepressant response. Transl Psychiatry Jan 24;7(1):e1008, 2017.


Sladky R, Stepniczka I, Boland E, Tik M, Lamm C, Hoffmann A, Buch JP, Niedermeier D, Field J, Windischberger C. Neurobiological differences in mental rotation and instrument interpretation in airline pilots. Sci Rep Jun 21;6:28104, 2016.

Hummer A, Ritter M, Tik M, Ledolter AA, Woletz M, Holder GE, Dumoulin SO, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Eyetracker-based gaze correction for robust mapping of population receptive fields. Neuroimage Nov 15;142:211-224, 2016.

Hahn A, Kranz GS, Sladky R, Kaufmann U, Ganger S, Hummer A, Seiger R, Spies M, Vanicek T, Winkler D, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Swaab DF, Lanzenberger R. Testosterone affects language areas of the adult human brain. Hum Brain Mapp May;37(5):1738-48, 2016.

Höflich A, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz GS, Vanicek T, Ganger S, Spies M, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R. Ketamine-dependent neuronal activation in healthy volunteers. Brain Struct Funct Aug 30, 2016.

Kazan SM, Mohammadi S, Callaghan MF, Flandin G, Huber L, Leech R, Kennerley A, Windischberger C, Weiskopf N. Vascular autorescaling of fMRI (VasA fMRI) improves sensitivity of population studies: A pilot study. Neuroimage. 124(Pt A):794-805, 2016.

Kettinger Á, Hill C, Vidnyánszky Z, Windischberger C, Nagy Z. Investigating the Group-Level Impact of Advanced Dual-Echo fMRI Combinations. Front Neurosci Dec 12;10:571, 2016.

Majdandžić J, Amashaufer S, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Lamm C. The selfless mind: How prefrontal involvement in mentalizing with similar and dissimilar others shapes empathy and prosocial behavior. Cognition Dec;157:24-38, 2016.

Navarro de Lara LI, Tik M, Woletz M, Frass-Kriegl R, Moser E, Laistler E, Windischberger C. High-sensitivity TMS/fMRI of the Human Motor Cortex Using a Dedicated Multichannel MR Coil. Neuroimage Feb 22;150:262-269, 2016.

Seiger R, Hahn A, Hummer A, Kranz GS, Ganger S, Woletz M, Kraus C, Sladky R, Kautzky A, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R. Subcortical gray matter changes in transgender subjects after long-term cross-sex hormone administration. Psychoneuroendocrinology Dec;74:371-379, 2016.

Spies M, Hahn A, Kranz GS, Sladky R, Kaufmann U, Hummer A, Ganger S, Kraus C, Winkler D, Seiger R, Comasco E, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Gender transition affects neural correlates of empathy: A resting state functional connectivity study with ultra high-field 7T MR imaging. Neuroimage Sep;138:257-65, 2016.

Tomova L, Majdandžić J, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Heinrichs M, Lamm C. Increased neural responses to empathy for pain might explain how acute stress increases prosociality. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci Oct 19, 2016.


Sladky R, Spies M, Hoffmann A, Kranz G, Hummer A, Gryglewski G, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Kasper S. (S)-citalopram influences amygdala modulation in healthy subjects: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind fMRI study using dynamic causal modeling. Neuroimage. 2015 Mar;108:243-50. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.12.044. Epub 2014 Dec 20. PubMed PMID: 25536499. 2015.

Bartova L, Meyer BM, Diers K, Rabl U, Scharinger C, Popovic A, Pail G, Kalcher K, Boubela RN, Huemer J, Mandorfer D, Windischberger C, Sitte HH, Kasper S, Praschak-Rieder N, Moser E, Brocke B, Pezawas L. Reduced default mode network suppression during a working memory task in remitted major depression. J Psychiatr Res. 2015 May;64:9-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.02.025. Epub 2015 Mar 6. PubMed PMID: 25801734; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4415908. 2015.

Ganger S, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz GS, Spies M, Vanicek T, Seiger R, Sladky R, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Comparison of continuously acquired resting state and extracted analogues from active tasks. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22897. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26178250. 2015.

Höflich A, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz GS, Vanicek T, Windischberger C, Saria A, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R. Ketamine-Induced Modulation of the Thalamo-Cortical Network in Healthy Volunteers As a Model for Schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2015 Apr 19;18(9). pii: pyv040. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyv040. PubMed PMID: 25896256. 2015 .

Höflich A, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz GS, Vanicek T, Windischberger C, Saria A, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R. Ketamine-Induced Modulation of the Thalamo-Cortical Network in Healthy Volunteers As a Model for Schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. Apr 19;18(9), 2015.

Pfabigan DM, Seidel EM, Paul K, Grahl A, Sailer U, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Lamm C. Context-sensitivity of the feedback-related negativity for zero-value feedback outcomes. Biol Psychol. 104:184-92. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.12.007. Epub 2014 Dec 22. PubMed PMID: 25541513. 2015.

Rauchbauer B, Majdandžić J, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Lamm C. Distinct neural processes are engaged in the modulation of mimicry by social group-membership and emotional expressions. Cortex. 2015 Mar 20. pii: S0010-9452(15)00096-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.03.007. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25929599. 2015.

Seiger R, Hahn A, Hummer A, Kranz GS, Ganger S, Küblböck M, Kraus C, Sladky R, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R. Voxel-based morphometry at ultra-high fields. a comparison of 7T and 3T MRI data. Neuroimage 113:207-16, 2015.

Votinov M, Pripfl J, Windischberger C, Sailer U, Lamm C. Better you lose than I do: neural networks involved in winning and losing in a real time strictly competitive game. Sci Rep. 2015 Jun 5;5:11017. doi: 10.1038/srep11017. 2015.

Votinov M, Pripfl J, Windischberger C, Moser E, Sailer U, Lamm C. A functional polymorphism in the prodynorphin gene affects cognitive flexibility and brain activation during reversal learning. Front Behav Neurosci. Jul 3;9:172, 2015.


Hahn A, Kranz GS, Küblböck M, Kaufmann U, Ganger S, Hummer A, Seiger R, Spies M, Winkler D, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Swaab DF, Lanzenberger R. Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Sep 12. pii: bhu194. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25217469. 2014.

Hahn A, Kranz GS, Sladky R, Ganger S, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Individual Diversity of Functional Brain Network Economy. Brain Connect. 2014 Nov 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25411715. 2014.

Kranz GS, Hahn A, Kaufmann U, Küblböck M, Hummer A, Ganger S, Seiger R, Winkler D, Swaab D, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. White matter microstructure in transsexuals and controls investigated by diffusion tensor imaging. Journal of Neuroscience 2014 [2013, IF: 6.747]; 2014.

Kraus C, Ganger S, Losak J, Hahn A, Savli M, Kranz GS, Baldinger P, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R.. Gray matter and intrinsic network changes in the posterior cingulate cortex after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor intake. Neuroimage. 84:236-44, 2014.

Küblböck M, Woletz M, Höflich A, Sladky R, Kranz GS, Hoffmann A, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C. Stability of low-frequency fluctuation amplitudes in prolonged resting-state fMRI. Neuroimage 103:249-57, 2014.

Navarro de Lara LI, Windischberger C, Kuehne A, Woletz M, Sieg J, Bestmann S, Weiskopf N, Strasser B, Moser E, Laistler E. A novel coil array for combined TMS/fMRI experiments at 3T. Magn Reson Med. 2014 Nov 24. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25535. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25421603. 2014.

Pfabigan DM, Seidel EM, Sladky R, Hahn A, Paul K, Grahl A, Küblböck M, Kraus C, Hummer A, Kranz GS, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C. P300 amplitude variation is related to ventral striatum BOLD response during gain and loss anticipation: an EEG and fMRI experimentNeuroimage. 2014 Aug 1;96:12-21. Neuroimage; 96:12-21, 2014.

Rabl U, Meyer BM, Diers K, Bartova L, Berger A, Mandorfer D, Popovic A, Scharinger C, Huemer J, Kalcher K, Pail G, Haslacher H, Perkmann T, Windischberger C, Brocke B, Sitte HH, Pollak DD, Dreher JC, Kasper S, Praschak-Rieder N, Moser E, Esterbauer H, Pezawas L. Additive gene-environment effects on hippocampal structure in healthy humans. J Neurosci. 34(30):9917-26, 2014.

Scharinger C, Rabl U, Kasess CH, Meyer BM, Hofmaier T, Diers K, Bartova L, Pail G, Huf W, Uzelac Z, Hartinger B, Kalcher K, Perkmann T, Haslacher H, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kasper S, Freissmuth M, Windischberger C, Willeit M, Lanzenberger R, Esterbauer H, Brocke B, Moser E, Sitte HH, Pezawas L.. Platelet serotonin transporter function predicts default-mode network activity. PLoS One. 9(3):e92543, 2014.

Seidel EM, Pfabigan DM, Hahn A, Sladky R, Grahl A, Paul K, Kraus C, Küblböck M, Kranz GS, Hummer A, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Lamm C.. Uncertainty during pain anticipation: The adaptive value of preparatory processes. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014 Oct 16. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22661. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25324216., 2014.

Votinov M, Pripfl J, Windischberger C, Kalcher K, Zimprich A, Zimprich F, Moser E, Lamm C, Sailer U. A genetic polymorphism of the endogenous opioid dynorphin modulates monetary reward anticipation in the corticostriatal loop. PLoS One. Feb 25;9(2):e89954, 2014.


Sladky R, Baldinger P, Kranz GS, Tröstl J, Höflich A, Lanzenberger R, Moser E, Windischberger C. High-resolution functional MRI of the human amygdala at 7T. Eur J Radiol, 82(5), 728–33. doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.09.025, 2013.

Sladky R, Höflich A, Küblböck M, Kraus C, Baldinger P, Moser E, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C. Disrupted effective connectivity between the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in social anxiety disorder during emotion discrimination revealed by dynamic causal modeling for fMRI. Cerebral Cortex, 2013.

Hahn A, Kranz GS, Seidel EM, Sladky R, Kraus C, Küblböck M, Pfabigan DM, Hummer A, Grahl A, Ganger S, Windischberger C, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R. Comparing neural response to painful electrical stimulation with functional MRI at 3 and 7T. Neuroimage. 82C:336-343, 2013.

Kraus C, Ganger S, Losak J, Hahn A, Savli M, Baldinger P, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Rapid gray matter and resting state network changes after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor administration. Neuroimage, 2013.

Schöpf V, Fischmeister FP, Windischberger C, Gerstl F, Wolzt M, Karlsson K. Effects of individual glucose levels on the neuronal correlates of emotions. Front Hum Neurosci. 7:212, 2013.

Schiepek G, Tominschek I, Heinzel S, Aigner M, Dold M, Unger A, Lenz G, Windischberger C, Moser E, Plöderl M, Lutz J, Meindl T, Zaudig M, Pogarell O, Karch S. Discontinuous Patterns of Brain Activation in the Psychotherapy Process of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Converging Results from Repeated fMRI and Daily Self-Reports. PLOS ONE, 2013.

Seidel EM, Kogler L, Moser E, Windischberger C, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Habel U, Derntl B. Weiblicher vs männlicher Stresstyp? Ein aktueller Überblick zur neuropsychologischen Stressforschung. Z Psychiatrie Psychologie Psychotherapie. 61, 71-79, 2013.


Sladky R, Höflich A, Atanelov J, Kraus C, Baldinger P, Moser E, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C. Increased neural habituation in the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in social anxiety disorder revealed by FMRI. PLOS One. 7(11):e50050, 2012.

Derntl B, Habel U, Robinson S, Windischberger C, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E. Culture but not gender modulates amygdala activation during explicit emotion recognition. BMC Neurosci., 13:54, 2012.

Hahn A, Wadsak W, Windischberger C, Baldinger P, Höflich A, Losak J, Nics L, Philippe C, Kranz GS, Kraus C, Mitterhauser M, Karanikas G, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Differential modulation of self-referential processing in the default mode network via serotonin-1A receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109(7):2619-24, 2012.

Kalcher K, Huf W, Boubela RN, Filzmoser P, Pezawas L, Biswal B, Kasper S, Moser E, Windischberger C. Fully exploratory network independent component analysis of the 1000 functional connectomes database. Front Hum Neurosci. 6:301, 2012.

Kalcher K, Boubela RN, Huf W, Biswal BB, Baldinger P, Sailer U, Filzmoser P, Kasper S, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R, Moser E, Windischberger C. RESCALE: Voxel-specific task-fMRI scaling using resting state fluctuation amplitude. Neuroimage. 70C:80-88, 2012.

Kraus C, Hahn A, Savli M, Kranz GS, Baldinger P, Höflich A, Spindelegger C, Ungersboeck J, Haeusler D, Mitterhauser M, Windischberger C, Wadsak W, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Serotonin-1A receptor binding is positively associated with gray matter volume -- a multimodal neuroimaging study combining PET and structural MRI. Neuroimage. 63(3):1091-8, 2012.

Lutti A, Stadler J, Josephs O, Windischberger C, Speck O, Bernarding J, Hutton C, Weiskopf N. Robust and fast whole brain mapping of the RF transmit field B1 at 7T. PLoS One, 7(3):e32379, 2012.

Majdand_i_ J, Bauer H, Windischberger C, Moser E, Engl E, Lamm C. The human factor: behavioral and neural correlates of humanized perception in moral decision making. PLoS One. 7(10):e47698, 2012.


Sladky R, Friston K, Tröstl J, Cunnington R, Moser E, Windischberger C. Slice-timing effects and their correction in functional MRI. Neuroimage, 58(2):588-94, 2011.

Boubela R, Huf W, Kalcher K, Sladky R, Filzmoser P, Pezawas L, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Moser E. A Highly Parallelized Framework for Computationally Intensive MRI Data Analysis. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 25(4), 313–320, 2011.

Hahn A, Stein P, Windischberger C, Weissenbacher A, Spindelegger C, Moser E, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Reduced resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in social anxiety disorder. Neuroimage, 56(3):881-9, 2011.

Kranz G, Paul A, Voller B, Posch M, Windischberger C, Auff E, Sycha T. Long-term efficacy and respective potencies of Botulinum toxin A and B: a randomized, double-blind study. British J Dermatology, 164(1):176-81, 2011.

Schöpf V, Windischberger C, Kasess CH, Lanzenberger R, Moser E. Group ICA of resting-state data: a comparison. MAGMA, 23(5-6):317-25, 2011.

Schöpf V, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Kasess CH, Fischmeister FP, Lanzenberger R, Albrecht J, Kleemann AM, Kopietz R, Wiesmann M, Moser E. Model-free fMRI group analysis using FENICA. Neuroimage, 55(1):185-93, 2011.


Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Holik A, Spindelegger C, Stein P, Moser U, Gerstl F, Fink M, Moser E, Kasper S. Area-specific modulation of neural activation comparing escitalopram and citalopram revealed by pharmaco-fMRI: A randomized cross-over study. Neuroimage, 49:1161-70, 2010.

Windischberger C, Fischmeister PhS, Schöpf V, Sladky R, Moser E. Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie bei ultrahohen Feldern. Radiologe, 50(2):144-51, 2010.

Biswal BB, Mennes M, Zuo XN, Gohel S, Kelly C, Smith SM, Beckmann CF, Adelstein JS, Buckner RL, Colcombe S, Dogonowski AM, Ernst M, Fair D, Hampson M, Hoptman MJ, Hyde JS, Kiviniemi VJ, Kötter R, Li SJ, Lin CP, Lowe MJ, Mackay C, Madden DJ, Madsen KH, Margulies DS, Mayberg HS, McMahon K, Monk CS, Mostofsky SH, Nagel BJ, Pekar JJ, Peltier SJ, Petersen SE, Riedl V, Rombouts SA, Rypma B, Schlaggar BL, Schmidt S, Seidler RD, Siegle GJ, Sorg C, Teng GJ, Veijola J, Villringer A, Walter M, Wang L, Weng XC, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Williamson P, Windischberger C, Zang YF, Zhang HY, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Toward discovery science of human brain function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107:4734-9, 2010.

Fischmeister FP, Leodolter U, Windischberger C, Kasess CH, Schöpf V, Moser E, Bauer H. Multiple serial picture presentation with millisecond resolution using a three-way LC-shutter-tachistoscope. J Neurosci Methods, 187:235-42, 2010.

Karlsson K, Windischberger C, Gerstl F, Mayr W, Siegel JM, Moser E. Modulation of hypothalamus and amygdalar activation levels with stimulus valence. Neuroimage, 1:324-328, 2010.

Kasess CH, Stephan KE, Weissenbacher A, Pezawas L, Moser E, Windischberger C. Multi-subject analyses with dynamic causal modeling. Neuroimage, 49:3065-74, 2010.

Schöpf V, Kasess CH, Lanzenberger R, Fischmeister F, Windischberger C, Moser E. Fully exploratory network ICA (FENICA) on resting-state fMRI data. J Neurosci Methods, 192(2):207-13, 2010.


Derntl B, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E, Habel U. Amygdala activity to fear and anger in healthy young males is associated with testosterone. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34: 687-693, 2009.

Derntl B, Habel U, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E. General and specific responsiveness of the amygdala during explicit emotion recognition in females and males. BMC Neuroscience, 10:91, 2009.

Derntl B, Habel U, Robinson S, Windischberger C, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E. Amygdala activation during recognition of emotions in a foreign ethnic group is associated with duration of stay. Social Neuroscience, 4:294-307, 2009.

Moser E, Stadlbauer A, Windischberger C, Quick HH, Ladd ME. Magnetic resonance imaging methodology. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 36: S30-412, 2009.

Weissenbacher A, Kasess C, Gerstl F, Lanzenberger R, Moser E, Windischberger C. Correlations and Anticorrelations in Resting-State Functional Connectivity MRI: A Quantitative Comparison of Preprocessing Strategies. Neuroimage, 47:1408-16, 2009.


Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R, Langenberger H, Deecke L, Bauer H, Moser E. Brain Activity Movies: An unbiased analysis approach for exploring fMRI data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 169:222-30, 2008.

Derntl B, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Lamplmayr E, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E, Habel U. Facial emotion recognition and amygdala activation are associated with menstrual cycle phase. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33: 1031-1040, 2008.

Gerstl F, Windischberger C, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Holik A, Kletter K, Moser E, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R. Multimodal imaging of human early visual cortex by combining functional and molecular measurements with fMRI and PET. Neuroimage, 41: 204-11, 2008.

Kasess C, Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Lanzenberger R, Pezawas L, Moser E. The suppressive influence of SMA on M1 in motor imagery revealed by fMRI and Dynamic Causal Modeling. Neuroimage, 40:828-37, 2008.


Habel U, Windischberger C, Hoheisel B, Robinson S, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E. Amygdala activation and facial expressions: explicit emotion discrimination versus implicit emotion processing. Neuropsychologia, 45:2369-77, 2007.

Lamm C, Windischberger C, Moser E, Bauer H. The functional role of premotor areas during mental rotation - an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage, 36:1374-1386, 2007.


Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Moser E. The selection of intended actions and the observation of others. Neuroimage, 29:1294-302, 2006.


Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Moser E. Premovement activity of the pre-supplementary motor area and the readiness for action: studies of time-resolved event-related functional MRI. Hum Mov Sci, 24:644-56, 2005.

Robinson S, Hoheisel B, Windischberger C, Habel U, Lanzenberger R, Moser E. FMRI of the Emotions: Towards an Improved Understanding of Amygdala Function. CMIR, 1:115-129, 2005.


Windischberger C, Robinson S, Rauscher A, Barth M, Moser E. Robust Field Map Generation Using a Triple-Echo Acquisition. JMRI, 20:730, 2004.

Dimitriadou E, Barth M, Windischberger C, Hornik K, Moser E. A quantitative comparison of functional MRI cluster analysis. Artif Intell Med, 31:57-71, 2004.

Robinson S, Windischberger C, Rauscher A, Moser E. Optimised 3 T EPI of the Amygdalae. Neuroimage, 22:203-10, 2004.

Shimizu Y, Barth M, Windischberger C, Moser E, Thurner S. Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of fMRI time series. NeuroImage, 22:1195-202, 2004.


Windischberger C, Barth M, Lamm C, Schroeder L, Bauer H, Gur RC, Moser E. Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of High-Field Functional MRI Data. Artif Intell Med, 20:225-232, 2003.

Windischberger C, Lamm C, Bauer H, Moser, E. Human motor cortex activity during mental rotation. Neuroimage, 20:225-32, 2003.

Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Moser E. The preparation and readiness for voluntary movement: a high-field event-related fMRI study of the Bereitschafts-BOLD response. Neuroimage, 20:404-12, 2003.

Langenberger H, Shimizu Y, Windischberger C, Grampp S, Berg A, Ferlitsch K, Moser E. Bone Homogeneity Factor: An Advanced Tool for the Assessment of Osteoporotic Bone Structure in High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Images. Invest Radiol, 38:467-472, 2003.

Thurner S, Windischberger C, Moser E, Barth M. Scaling laws and persistence in human brain activity. Physica A, 326:511-521, 2003.


Windischberger C, Lamm C, Bauer H, Moser E. Consistency of inter-trial activation using single-trial fMRI: Assessment of regional differences. Brain Res Cog Brain Res, 13:129-138, 2002.

Windischberger C, Langenberger H, Sycha T, Tschernko EM, Fuchsjäger-Meyerl G, Schmetterer L, Moser E. On the Origin of Respiratory Artifacts in BOLD-EPI of the Human Brain. Magn Reson Imaging, 20:575-582, 2002.

Cunnington R, Windischberger C, Deecke L, Moser E. The preparation and execution of self-initiated and externally-triggered movement: a study of event-related fMRI. Neuroimage, 15:373-385, 2002.


Barth M, Windischberger C, Klarhöfer M, Moser E. Characterization of BOLD Activation in Multi-Echo fMRI Data using Fuzzy Cluster Analysis and a Comparison with Quantitative Modeling. NMR Biomedicine, 14:484-489, 2001.

Beisteiner R, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Cunnington R, Erdler M, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Deecke L. Finger Somatotopy in Human Motor Cortex. Neuroimage 13:1016-1026, 2001.

Erdler M, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Edward V, Gartus A, Cunnington R, Deecke L, Beisteiner R. Dissociation of supplementary motor area and primary motor cortex in human subjects when comparing index and little finger movements with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosci Lett, 313:5-8, 2001.

Lamm C, Windischberger C, Moser E, Bauer H. Evidence for premotor cortex activity during dynamic visuo-spatial imagery from single-trial functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related slow cortical potentials. Neuroimage 14:268-283, 2001.

Lamm C, Windischberger C, Leodolter U, Moser E, Bauer H. Co-registration of EEG and MRI data using matching of spline interpolated and MRI-segmented reconstructions of the scalp surface. Brain Topogr 14:93-100, 2001.

Mazal P, Haitel A, Windischberger C, Djavan B, Sedivy R, Moser E, Susani M. Spatial distribution of prostata cancers undetected on initial needle biopsies. Europ J Urology 39:662-668, 2001.


Windischberger C, Moser E. Spatial resolution in echo planar imaging: Shifting the acquisition window in k-space. Magn Reson Imaging 18:825-834, 2000.

Windischberger C, Moser E, Barth M. Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Functional MRI Data. Fuzzy Diagnostic and Therapeutic Decision Support, 2000.

Alexander ME, Baumgartner R, Summers AR, Windischberger C, Klarhöfer M, Moser E, Somorjai RL. A Wavelet-Based Method for Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in MR Images. Magn Reson Imaging 18:169-180, 2000.

Alexander ME, Baumgartner R, Windischberger C, Moser E, Somorjai RL. Wavelet Domain De-Noising in MR Image Sequences. Magn Reson Imaging 18:1129-1134, 2000.

Beisteiner R, Lanzenberger R, Novak K, Edward V, Windischberger C, Erdler M, Cunnington R, Gartus A, Streibl B, Moser E, Czech T, Deecke L. Improvement of presurgical evaluation by generation of fMRI risk maps. Neurosci. Lett. 290:13-16, 2000.

Edward V, Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Erdler M, Mayer D, Endl W, Beisteiner R. Quantification of fMRI artifact reduction by a novel plaster cast head holder. Human Brain Mapping 11(3): 207-213, 2000.

Erdler M, Beisteiner R, Mayer D, Kaindl T, Edward M, Windischberger C, Lindinger G, Deecke L. Supplementory motor activation preceeding voluntary movement is detectable with a whole-scalp magnetoencephalography system. Neuroimage 11:697-707, 2000.


Moser E, Baumgartner R, Barth M, Windischberger C. Explorative signal processing in functional MR Imaging. IJIST 10:166-176, 1999.

Sedivy R, Windischberger C, Svozil K, Moser E, Breitenecker G. Fractal analysis: an objective method for identifying atypical nuclei in dysplastic lesions of the cervix uteri. Gynecol. Oncol 75:78-83, 1999.


Baumgartner R, Windischberger C, Moser E. Quantification in functional magnetic resonance imaging: Fuzzy Clustering vs Correlation Analysis. Magn Reson Imaging 16, 115-125, 1998.

Sedivy R, Windischberger C. Fractal analysis of a breast carcinoma - presentation of a modern morphometric method. Wien Med Wochenschr 148(14):335-337, 1998.