Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): Exploring and Treating the Brain

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a tool that has significantly advanced our understanding of the brain and its functions. Introduced over 40 years ago, TMS allows researchers and clinicians to non-invasively stimulate specific brain regions using localized magnetic pulses. These magnetic fields pass the scalp, skull, and meninges to induce an electrical current in the brain. Thereby neural activity is changed. This revolutionary approach has opened new avenues for both research and treatment, particularly in challenging neuropsychiatric disorders.

Understanding TMS as a Research Tool

TMS is unique in its ability to non-invasively establish causal relationships between brain regions and their associated functions. Unlike observational techniques that correlate brain activity with behavior, TMS allows for the selective excitation or inhibition of specific areas. This enables researchers to directly assess the role of these regions in cognitive, sensory, emotional, and motor functions. By temporarily disrupting or enhancing neural activity in targeted areas, TMS helps scientists identify the specialized roles. They uncover, how different cortical regions contribute to our perceptual experiences and cognitive abilities (virtual lesion approach).

Moreover, TMS has proven invaluable in studying brain networks and their dynamic interplay. Researchers target specific areas to gain insights into the functional organization of these networks. Thereby they find out about the flow of information and connectivity patterns between brain regions. This allows insights into the complexity of the brain, revealing how areas work together to support cognitive and behavioral functions.

TMS in Clinical Research and Treatment

Beyond its role as a research tool, TMS has emerged as a powerful method for investigating and treating psychiatric disorders. We precisely target brain areas implicated in conditions such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. This helps us better understand the relationships between brain dysfunction and symptom manifestation. This deeper understanding not only advances our knowledge of these disorders but also informs novel therapeutic approaches.

In clinical settings, TMS is primarily known for its application in treating Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The FDA approved this technique in 2008 for this purpose, offering a new avenue for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Standard TMS protocols typically deliver high-frequency magnetic pulses (e.g., 10Hz) to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The DLPFC is a brain region associated with mood regulation and interoception. Treatments are usually administered over several weeks. They reduce depressive symptoms by modulating brain activity and inducing long-lasting changes in the targeted neural pathways (e.g. DLPFC-sgACC).

The Role of TMS in Precision Medicine

Multimodal developments in the field of TMS allow its combination with neuroimaging techniques, such as functional MRI (fMRI). Multiple approaches allow to set targets, protocols and demonstrate target engagement. Real-time combination enables real-time visualization of brain activity during TMS, enabling researchers to fine-tune stimulation parameters for each individual patient. The Brain Stimulation Lab at the Medical University of Vienna is pioneering this approach. This is one of the newest usecases of neuroimaging to optimize TMS settings and enhance its therapeutic efficacy.

The parameter space of TMS is vast, encompassing variables such as pulse frequency, intensity, coil orientation, and target location. Optimizing these parameters is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of TMS treatments. By leveraging neuroimaging data, we map brain networks involved in a patient’s symptoms and tailor TMS protocols to target these. This personalized approach is a key to precision medicine, which aims to deliver treatments that are adapted to individual characteristics.

We can f.e. use resting-state fMRI to identify the functional connectivity patterns between the DLPFC and deeper brain regions. One of these deeper targets is the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC). By targeting TMS to disrupt or enhance these connectivity patterns, we achieve more robust and long-lasting therapeutic effects.

Expanding the Potential of TMS

The application of TMS extends beyond depression. Researchers are exploring its use in a wide range of conditions, including anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Even neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are potential targets. TMS can modulate brain activity non-invasively making it a tool to transform the treatment landscape for many neuropsychiatric disorders.

In addition to its therapeutic applications, TMS continues to be a valuable tool for basic neuroscience research. By combining TMS with neuroimaging, researchers can study the effects of brain stimulation on neural circuits in unprecedented detail. This integration allows for the exploration of fundamental questions about brain function: How do different regions interact during complex cognitive tasks? How do brain networks reorganize after learning.

International Collaborations

The Brain Stimulation Lab at the Medical University of Vienna is part of a global network of researchers dedicated to advance TMS. We collaborate with leading institutions such as Stanford University, the Max Planck Institute, University of Toronto. The lab integrates diverse expertise to refine TMS techniques and develop new therapeutic applications. International partnerships drive innovation and ensure that the latest scientific advancements are translated into effective treatments for patients worldwide.

The Future of TMS

As our understanding of TMS deepens, the technique is likely to become even more refined and widely used. We advances this technology by development of tailored TMS coils and stimulation protocols. This enhances the precision and effectiveness of brain stimulation. Moreover, ongoing research into the biophysiological mechanisms of TMS continues to inform the optimization of treatment parameters. This will further improve clinical outcomes.

We push the boundaries of what TMS can achieve. TMS continues to advance as research tool and as a therapeutic modality. We plan to level up TMS to a precision medicine treatment, which is tailored to the needs of each patient. As TMS continues to evolve, it holds the promise of improving the lives of countless individuals. Reducing the suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders, while also advancing our understanding of the human brain, is our mission.


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) represents a powerful tool for research and clinical practice. It allows basic science discoveries about the functioning of the human brain. And it gives hope to clinicians and their patients with conditions that have been challenging to treat. In collaboration with international partners, we are dedicated to use TMS not just to understand the brain better but to bring about real, positive changes in people’s lives through innovative, personalized therapies. Its potential impact on neuroscience and medicine is huge, promising continued advancements in both research and patient care.