David Linhardt

David Linhardt


David Linhardt studied Technical Physics as his Masters at the Technical University Vienna. Already during his studies, he started working in functional MRI and rapidly specialised towards studies on the human visual system. At the High Field MR Centre, together with Allan Hummer, he found the perfect environment researching for his Master Thesis “Stimulus selection in functional magnetic resonance imaging-based retinotopic mapping”. Several peer-reviewed conference abstracts resulted from methodological innovations in the field of pRF mapping. Clinical translation of these methods was achieved by cooperation with the local Ophthalmologic department of the Medical University of Vienna. In these clinical studies, pRF mapping enabled investigating dysfunctional areas on the retina, socalled scotomata in patients suffering from different eye diseases. In the recently published paper “Combining stimulus types for improved coverage in population receptive field mapping” the authors, for the first time systematically assessed the two most-used stimulus patterns for retinotopic mapping. The important finding of the publication is, that stimulus selection introduces a strong bias and has a huge influence on the study outcome.

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

Pawloff M, Linhardt D, Woletz M, Hummer A, Sacu S, Vasileiadi M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Holder G, Schmidt-Erfurth UM, Windischberger C, Ritter M. Comparison of Stimulus Types for Retinotopic Cortical Mapping of Macular Disease. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2023.

Vasileiadi M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Grosshagauer S, Tik M, Windischberger C. Improved brain stimulation targeting by optimising image acquisition parameters. NeuroImage 2023.

Vasileiadi M, Schuler AL, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C, Tik M. Functional connectivity explains how neuronavigated TMS of posterior temporal subregions differentially affect language processing. Brain Stimulation 2023.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Woletz M, Hummer A, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Intrasession and Intersession Reproducibility of Artificial Scotoma pRF Mapping Results at Ultra-High Fields. eNeuro. 2022.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Hummer A, Woletz M, Tik M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. Combining stimulus types for improved coverage in population receptive field mapping. NeuroImage. 2021.

Peer-reviewed Conference Abstracts (* Talk)

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Hummer A, Woletz M, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . Intra- and inter-session reproducibility of artificial scotoma pRF mapping results at ultra-high fields. 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Linhardt D, Woletz M, Vasileiadi M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Windischberger C. . Seamless pRF mapping analysis from data to maps. 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Woletz M, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . pRF size estimates are heavily influenced by preprocessing parameters. 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Williams N, Windischberger C. . Interslice iTBS/fMRI: Continuous Imaging of Therapeutic Transcranial Brain Stimulation . 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Vasileiadi M, Tik M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . Echo time matters: EPI parameter choice and the reliability of functional connectivity. 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Vasileiadi M, Schuler AL, Tik M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . Mapping local and remote effects of TMS over left posterior superior temporal gyrus. 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Vasileiadi M, Schuler AL, Tik M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . High-precision language mapping through multimodal fMRI, TMS and E-field modelling*. 5th European Conference of Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry, EBCS - Zagreb, Croatia. 2022.

Vasileiadi M, Schuler AL, Tik M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . Multimodal imaging reveals local and remote effects of TMS over left posterior temporal gyrus. 32nd International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, ICCN - Genevea, Switzerland. 2022.

Windischberger C, Linhardt D, Angerer T, Pawloff M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U. . Population-receptive field size estimates are biased by acquisition and preprocessing parameters: a 7T fMRI study. 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ISMRM - London, United Kingdom. 2022.

Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . Estimating scotomata using truncated Gaussian pRFs . 28th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2022.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Woletz M, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . Intra- and inter-session reproducibility of artificial scotoma pRF mapping at ultra-high fields*. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Hummer A, Woletz M, Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Ritter M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . Towards objective scotomata assessment using fMRI-based retinotopic mapping: a connectomic approach*. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Tik M, Vasileiadi M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Schuler A, Windischberger C. . Brain network changes in post COVID-19 syndrome. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Tik M, Woletz M, Schuler A, Vasileiadi M, Linhardt D, Lamm C, Windischberger C. . Network Target Engagement in the Prefrontal Brain explained by Concurrent TMS/fMRI*. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Vasileiadi M, Tik M, Schuler A, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . High-precision Language Mapping through Multimodal fMRI, TMS and E-field Modelling. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Vasileiadi M, Tik M, Woletz M, Linhardt D, Windischberger C. . The influence of EPI parameter choice on reliability of sgACC-DLPFC functional connectivity. 4th International Brain Stimulation Conference - Charleston, SC, USA. 2021.

Woletz M, Linhardt D, Tik M, Hummer A, Windischberger C. . Stimulus-specific biases in population receptive field mapping. 27th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Seoul, South Korea. 2021.

Hummer A, Ritter M, Linhardt D, Ledolter A, Woletz M, Pawloff M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . Retinotopic cortical mapping as an objective functional monitoring tool of macular therapy. 26th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Online. 2020.

Hummer A, Ritter M, Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . FMRI reveals anterior V1 activation in a retinitis pigmentosa patient. 26th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Online. 2020.

Linhardt D, Pawloff M, Hummer A, Ritter M, Woletz M, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Windischberger C. . Artificial scotoma size estimation on high-resolution 7T retinotopy data. 26th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM – Online. 2020.

Linhardt D, Hummer A, Woletz M, Windischberger C. . Distortion correction for retinotopic mapping at ultra-high magnetic fields. 25th Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, HBM - Rome. 2019.